What is Date Night in a Box?
Well, it started out as Date Night in a Can, but the boxes turned out far cheaper, especially when you need 40 or 50 of them, which we did. So the person in charge of the boxes found these cute colorful Chinese take-out style boxes. Tied to the handle, my box has a little poem:
Sweetheart Notes
This little book has a purpose for you,
It's use should be shared between two.
Simply write a love letter, a poem, or note
To the one you adore, love, and often dote
Then, hide this page for your sweetheart to find
And wait for a reply that will tickle your mind.
Remember, be creative and have fun
You have only tour loved one's heart to be won.
Tied with it are a bunch of black sheets of paper that we can write our notes on.
Inside it gets really fun! A few of us came up with a bunch of ideas for free or inexpensive date night ideas, the most expensive being $24. Some of them require a bit of travel, some encourage you to stay home and take advantage of what you have at your fingertips. All of them will be fun.
So here's what you do:
* Create a list of date ideas. They can be any price range you're comfortable with.
Make sure that each date has all information needed for that date: location, website, hours, season, etc.
* Print that list, cut it out, and this is where creativity comes to play.
You can simply fold the pieces of paper,
do some other creative thing with them (like making fortune cookies out of them using felt and wired ribbon),
or do what I did.
I rolled them up. Then, using my daughter's unused teeny tiny rubber bands that are smaller then my pinkie (probably why they're never used!), I secure them so that they don't unroll. This way they stay nice and tight. You can stop here if you what, but I took it a step further:I took strips of narrow ribbon about 8 inches long, and tied those around the rubber bands.
* Then I finally decorated my box, and called it done!
All I need now is a date!