Monday, July 25, 2011

Give oh give away!

Busy happenings everywhere! One shawl test should be almost done, another is about halfway through, both with corrections being made, and meanwhile I'm happy and excited and looking forward to when the patterns can go live on

Meanwhile, in the past month I dived off the deep end, so to speak, and started listing some of my bows on etsy! That led me to create a facebook fan page, and go hog wild trying to network, all the while, hoping to make a sale (still hoping).

But my fan page finally made it to 25 people (and boy did that take a lot of work!) so I'm celebrating!

Now it's your turn to work.

Here's what I'm giving away:
one of my as yet unlisted new ribbon flowers, available in black and white damask, or satiny pink stripes.

So here's what you do:

- A like on my fan page will get you an entry into the drawing.
- Share my page with your friends, and for every friend that likes me, you'll get an extra entry 
(your friend needs to tell me who sent them)
- If you still want better chances to win, comment below and tell me what your favorite season is, and why. Now hope over to my fan page, and do the same thing for another entry!
Drawing will be held at 9PM, Pacific time, July 26th. That gives you a day and half, so get crackin'!

Want more giveaways?

I'm giving away my new mini ribbon flowers, which are so new I don't even have pictures yet! There're about 2 inches in diameter, as opposed to 3 inches which is pictured above. I'll be sending a surprise bow with every $15 spent in my shop. Spend $30, get 2 bows! Special orders count too, so contact me (convo) if you don't see exactly what you want! This will run until 9PM Pacific time, July 31st. For special orders, as long as initial contact is made before then, you'll still get your bows!

Have fun! Good luck!
And Thank You!!!


  1. My favorite season is Autumn for many reasons... pumpkins, Halloween, hot apple cider, the sound of fallen leaves underneath my feet, the temp is finally cool enough to bake again and finally - BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!

    Love your blog, by the way. Very cool. ;*)

  2. I love the cooler weather of spring/fall. I love having my doors and windows open and enjoying the beautiful weather!
    Sheree (keikimomma at hotmail dot com)
