Sunday, December 19, 2010

this and that

So you can't see the detail very well, but this is the puff berret hat I've been working on for my daughter. I opted to omit the bow in the pattern (which can be found at so that I can have just the hat, or clip a bow onto it (as pictured). The reds seemed to be a closer match in person though...

The craft fair wasn't really a huge success, but I did manage to sell a few items. Bows and flowers seemed to be the item of the day. (all that work on scarfs and did I sell any? NO!) I heard that a lot of people were buying today (Sunday) rather then yesterday. A bit of interest in the beaded ornament covers (pictured far left) but no buyers. Quite a bit of interest in the quillows as well, but again, no takers. Oh well. At least I made a few new friends and contacts for more craft fairs.

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